UN Marking

UN Marking

UN Marking promotes international acceptance of industrial packaging for Dangerous Goods.

About UN Marking Scheme

We provide UN Marking Scheme for industrial packaging intended for Dangerous Goods (DG) following the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (the Orange Book).

Benefits of UN Marking Scheme?

  • Promotes international acceptance of industrial packaging for Dangerous Goods.
  • Facilitates transportation and handling of Dangerous Goods for international exports.
  • Enhances the quality and standardisation of Dangerous Goods packaging in international exports.
  • Have your locally manufactured products automatically listed in the Senarai Bahan/Barang Buatan Tempatan (Treasury Listing) at no additional cost.

Why SIRIM QAS International?

How to apply for UN Marking Scheme?

  1. Submission of Questionnaire
  2. Issuance of Quotation
  3. Submission of Application
  4. Document Evaluation
  5. Factory Audit
  6. Sample Selection & Testing
  7. Recommendation & Approval
  8. Surveillance
  9. Renewal

Application Form

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